Think Rugs Montana Rug

£709.00 £73.95
By far our heaviest weight hand tufted shaggy, the Montana range is the deifintion of luxury and quality. The 8cm pile is tufted at the highest possible density to create a super soft, thick and sumptuous rug. Lead time for items that are to be ordered: 2-3 weeks
By far our heaviest weight hand tufted shaggy, the Montana range is the deifintion of luxury and quality. The 8cm pile is tufted at the highest possible density to create a super soft, thick and sumptuous rug.

  • Lead time for items that are to be ordered: 2-3 weeks
Delivery Options (UK Mainland):

· Click & Collect - FREE
· Courier Delivery Service - FREE for orders over £50 or £6.99 for orders under £50
· 2-Man Delivery Service - FREE within a 40-mile radius of Banchory, Price is item dependant for all other UK destinations

For more information visit our Shipping & Returns policy page.
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Think Rugs Montana Rug
Ivory / 150cm x 150cm Circle - £233.75
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